Select Reviews and Articles
"This politically charged yet humanity-focused solo show tells the story of an ordinary person, who throughout his life has had to face an extraordinary struggle...Suggests Kazepis' prowess as a performer..★★★★½"
"Melbourne-based Zachary Kazepis, an up and comer that has the makings of being the next big thing."
"With hazy vocals and dreamy beats, Kazepis captures the isolation and yearning for closeness that defined lockdown life."
"Exceptionally constructed and portrayed, Last Year’s Eve navigates the complex themes of displacement and resilience with deft touch and simplicity." "★★★★½"
"Exploring themes of migration, identity and isolation, Last Year’s Eve tells a powerful story about belonging, home and how we find our place in the world."
"Last Year's Eve by Zac Kazepis tells the moving story of one refugee's experiences of tragedy, belonging and family, and their desire to find a home.".."★★★★"
"It’s hazy late autumn. I’m looking out the stained bus window, watching the leaves change as I glide through the tiny roads, hills and fields that carry me home from school."